Thursday, 20 November 2014

Rochester, Reckless, and Why There's No Doubt Medway Will Vote UKIP

I was born in the Medway towns, went to school there, and remained there until just after Mini was born.

I still take an interest in the town as quite a number of mates still live there, so info gets filtered back.

Just recently though, my former hometown has been all over the major newspapers and the TV too. Due to an election no less.

After the local Tory councillor, Mark Reckless, defected to UKIP, an election was called.

Now, I've met Mark Reckless. I've met a fair few of the councillors in the Medway towns down to my being an epic nerd a part of the first Youth Parliament in the town in my late teens. At that time, Labour was the choice of my local voters, even though the man they voted for was useless, and barely ever turned up to Westminster.

(How do I know this? Well, when I was in 6th form, we went to Westminster and the guide asked who our local MP was. On looking to see if he was in the House at the time, it turned out that actually, the Party Whips would be having a word with him as he hadn't been there for months).

Just as with Reckless being part of the Conservatives, now, he has jumped to the newest most popular party for the gormless who see one party promise in the manifesto and jump on it.

The problem with Medway- and they are by no means alone in this in the country, no doubt Slough will be next as they are quite similar- the town doesn't vote because they have the full picture of what their vote will mean for a certain party.


They read the Sun, or newspapers like it, who tell them who to vote for, going on one simple part of the parties big load of promises, and they dutifully go and do just that.

UKIP will win in Medway, just as it will in many other formerly prosperous towns. They will win down to the fact UKIP shout about how every person who has ever moved here in the last 30 years have killed your country. Whilst whispering how it will remove the NHS, maternity pay, and all but make the disabled who claim benefit wear an orange jumpsuit and brand their foreheads whilst asking everyone else to throw eggs at them for being "dirty scroungers".

UKIP will win because the majority of chav stereotypes in their fake Burberry knock offs have now become so used to voting for people on TV, they use the same method of voting for there councillors, and I'm that  surprised they don't just have Dermot O'Leary on Meridian, asking people to phone in who they want to see win instead of asking them to go to the voting booth.

Instead of Peter Dickinson saying "Its time to face the MUSIC!" they could change it to "Its time to face the VOTERS!".

Yes, immigration is an issue. But its the fact that all the parties over years have been lax. If you lived in a war torn country, and you found out you could slip in unnoticed, you'd do it.

Leaving Europe is a given, unless it starts working for us, but UKIP are by far not the only party suggesting we leave.

Who would I rather vote for?

Ed Milliband. Whether or not folk see him as not very good looking, bumbling and uncharismatic, he actually talks a good manifesto which works for everyone, not just the rich.

I hate that it looks more and more like UKIP will triumph, and, its clear to many that UKIP and the Tories joining ranks will mean abject poverty for many average people in this country whilst the rich just get richer,

Its time we stopped looking at one part of a party, and actually became informed. Elsewise its the ConDems style all over again.

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