A little while ago I brought you a preview of Fiat 500L's amazing video "The Motherhood". Well, that went viral as it gave such a funny but true depiction of how us Mum's really feel.
Not to be left out, its the Dads turn, with yet another hilarious song based advert- "The Fatherhood"
I'm sure you'll agree that this video ad is as funny and real as the original, and gets the tone just right. We love our children but sometimes long for the simpler, pre-child days when you could jump in your car and go where you wanted.
I love the use of a more Eighties style of electronic music (which is seeing a resurgence in popularity). I'm sure lots of new Dads can relate to the situation of coming home from work to a frazzled other half, and the long nights spent driving round the town at night to aid the babies off to sleep.
The content was well researched- Fiat undertook a nationwide survey of Dads- which revealed that new Dads on average drive 1,300 miles a year just to get their kids to go to sleep.
It touches on the overwhelming sense of change new Dads- often the forgotten parent- feel on becoming a Father for the first time, but rather than patronise it uses sharp humour and funny lyrics.
My personal fave line was when he describes how he's been left with the children while his wife falls into a deep coma! I've certainly been there and I'm sure Elder will agree with me.
Its a clever way of advertising a product without the usual slick young guy in a suit driving with abandon around the city, and while its obvious its a Car advert, it doesn't constantly stick the car in your face.
The new Fiat 500L is perfect for the former Jack the Lad, now Jack the Dad, as its both stylish and economical, its slightly larger than the iconic Fiat 500 model and comfortably seats a family of 5.
I for one hope Fiat keep the clever ads coming- perhaps we can have the Dad at the children's wedding fulfilling his threat to Dad Dance in revenge?
For more info on Fiat products, head over to http://www.fiat.co.uk
It's good but not a patch on The Motherhood xx