Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Is It Just Me: Or Do Some School Gate Mums Need Reminding Its the Kids at School, Not the Parents?

This post should have a mammoth  gif that has a red alert warning on it. Unfortunately, I'm yet to manage the wonders of the gif so you'll have to picture it in your mind instead.

I make no apologies for ranting and possibly swearing in this post, so if you aren't keen on rants, look away now.

As you know, we have left Maiden-Snoot for good, and have gone off fourteen miles down t'road.No, they don't talk like farmers where we are but its homely and villagey and bohemian and nice. The t'road was meant to encompass that warm fuzzy feeling.

Unfortunately, despite everything else having moved, the school hasn't, and we're stuck driving (OK, Elder, stop pulling a face, you're stuck driving whilst I sit on my arse admiring the view) 28 miles twice a day to drop them off.

Its costing a bomb, and has caused nothing but grief as its not good for Littlest to be in a car and up early every day for long distances. Its not good for Elder's slipped disk either, and in this heat, its a bloody nuisance.

Regardless, Mini and Littlest want to make the most of being at the school as no doubt, come tomorrow at 2.15, I shall need a man sized box of snot rags due to the floods of tears both of them will be in, and their mates too.

You see, they have a lovely set of friends, who they have become quite close to. Sadly, despite the kids being lovely, and with a few exceptions, most of their Mums are ignorant, self important toads.

Yes, I've said it. Self important, snobbish, ignorant and condescending toads at that.

I don't have to see them after tomorrow, and I'm over the freaking moon at that. They have mostly gone out of their way to be ignorant to me, simply as they spoke to me a couple of times and then on realising I'm not an up my own arse, middle class bore with high up aspirations,  and that I wont be any good for social climbing, I was dismissed. Unless they wanted to up the quota to pay for their Christmas dinner. 

Oh, I've had snide looks, I know I've been chatted about. I know one of them, the leader, the Queen Bee (self appointed I may add) is on occasion downright nasty to my kids cos she can't stand me and I have, on occasion been forced to sarcastically respond the odd time she has deemed it necessary to grace me with an unwarranted opinion. Like telling Littlest we "over exaggerate" his allergies. 

The thing is, they can kiss me arse as I walk out the door.

I have no issue with lifeless twats like these. Frankly, I pity the sad unfulfilled lives they must lead that being some "Mum Army" of Mum-upmanship, and all dressing in gym kits (with various degrees of success) on the same day becomes the highlight of their lives. As for being a part of it, hell to the no my friends. I hate in blogging the types who are nice to everyone's face but love nothing more than bitching to all and sundry about everyone over private messages.

With this crew, they are so saccharine sweet to each other's faces, and nasty as sin behind each other's backs, it makes the mind boggle. Yes, because, get them on their own or in small groups away from the Queen Bee, and they can be OK to chat with. They do, however love to be as unkind and critical of each other behind each other's backs as they are no doubt about the likes of me out of ear shot.

I find it hilarious, but Queen Bee has gone too bloody far this time, and as a swipe against me, she is basically picking on Mini.

Out of the two, Mini is by far the most upset at losing her mates come September. So, I decided to make a memory book, of photos of her and her mates.

It took me a bit of time but it was worth it. I asked the school was it OK to come along to the Leavers Disco on Friday, and take some snaps. I was told they'd need to to ask the PTA (or the Parent's Talking out their Arse society as I shall now nickname it), and they'd ask them to let me know either way.

Except no one did. Queen Bee is part of it, but the leader is a very quiet woman, who went out of her way to avoid me even glancing at her and locking eyes.

So I thought, fuck it. I'm there Friday anyway to pick up Littlest, I shall just get me snaps and go.

Which I did, and lovely they were too. I didn't force anyone, Mini went over and grabbed who she wanted, which amounted to about 8 photos and off I went.

No one said anything from the little gang of that firm. 

I then tried to hand it, sneakily, to her lovely teacher yesterday to be told someone had complained that it wasn't fair on the other kids to do a book for Mini.

The thing is, the school hasn't done a book, they haven't bought it, paid for it or supplied the pictures. I have. I have made it, just as any other Mum or Dad could've made it for their kid. It wouldn't take up time, I was just giving it to the teacher so the few kids in it could write a little bye bye message. Most of her mates were in on it. Mini, however,was not, she thought that I was simply taking snaps as I always do.

So, who complained?

It's fairly obvious, and several of us normal parent's agree that, as usual, petty behaviour has come to the forefront of the school, unchecked.

The thing is, yes, all the kids in Year 2 are leaving the school. But 99% are going to the next school up the road, or one in Maidenhead. Mini is not. 

Elder did a sly rant to a Dad this morning in front of Queen Bee and apparently she couldn't look him in the eye. Only she would be petty and self important enough to pull that off. None of the other parents had an issue at all and according to the Head it didn't come from the school and they had no issue with it.

Thank God we got out of that god forsaken pit of a town. It makes Stepford look bloody normal.

What would you do readers?


  1. This post should have a large image of a hat with a capital ‘D’ that has a red alert warning on it. Know what I mean? Great I have the right audience, lets move on.

    I don’t make any apologies for my approach to this response, nor the foul language that I
    will not use.

    I haven’t left Maiden-snoot, and actually I rather like the name, if only it lived up to that
    name, a few have ruined it.

    You see, there is nothing wrong with being ignorant to those who are worth ignoring, and
    nothing wrong with self-importance once in a while.

    After today, we too don’t have to put up with the flies that swarm around causing nothing but an annoying buzz in the ear. Toads eat flies, I’m just saying.

    Nothing wrong with high up aspirations. I would rather hope to be a toad than a fly. Just saying.

    Now I have no idea who this Queen Bee is, I am simply defending my position as a mum and a half decent one at that who has a life and a damn good one at that! If im going to bitch I would rather do it online for the world to see.

    I couldn’t care less about the pics you or anyone else decide to take, if the PTA have rules and you didn’t like them, join it and do something about it! No good raving about the teachers and the school if you cant make an effort to join.
    But then again, there may be special criteria that you simply do not pass, potty mouth being one, and fly being the other.

    I cant quite believe what I read sometimes, gangs at school? Queen Bees? Leaders? I’m glad I stick to the snoots, Ive never
    encountered any of that in the playground! Oh and we are referring to the adults?! Well…. Clearly you are in the wrong “firm”….

    I don’t see any supportive comments, call yourself a blogger?! Funny how you blog your rants to an audience
    that doesn’t involve the women you are probably referring to here. You mention talking behind backs, what are
    you doing here?!

    It is in fact clear to those reading this, that what you class as normal has set the bar pretty low, which is ok, because now I know I’m not normal, I’m far better than normal, and better still, I’m a Maiden-snoot!

    I too, along with other Maiden-Snoots are glad to be saying good riddens too, after all Toads rule…

  2. Hear hear 'anon'. Posting this sort of nonsense and such opinionated self-indulgence is looking for a reaction and I'd put all my very hard-earned money on the fact you spent yesterday excitedly watching the number of hits on your 'blog' increase for the first time. Well, here's my reaction...at first I laughed, but now I pity you and the fact you also decided to do this on the final day of term where you could then disappear rather than face the music. Consistent to the end.

    Let me just start by asking one thing...do you think there's a common denominator in all of this? 'Groups' of Maiden-Snoots all forming the same (separate, may I add) opinions? Yes, I'm proud to be one too. In fact, even more proud now that it differentiates me from you.

    Call yourself a blogger? Why would anyone want to read such foulness? Clearly no one, as there is not one comment of support in this, or most of your 'posts'. Blogs are for interacting, providing news and building readers...even building real friendships. Might be time to sign up for blogging school? I find it incredibly sad that you have no high aspirations, as you say, not even at least to own a blog for 8 years and have no significant advertisers and not even know how to upload a 'gif'.

    So, I won't waste any more of my valuable time. I have lots of work to do and children to juggle as my husband goes off to work. I always found it fascinating how you and 'Elder' could both afford the time to do the school run btw! How luxurious, and every so slightly odd and dull!

    You have a clean slate at your next place. I do hope you take time to reflect and wonder why you've felt so excluded. Let me tell you, the majority of us were all so damn busy enjoying each other's company and working that we didn't have time to notice you, never mind 'snoot' about you, believe me! You have to make an effort to make friends love, they don't fall in your lap and before you 'group' them all together and bitch about them all I suggest you get off your high horse and try the fine art of conversation (which, may I add, is not constant bitching...yawn). Good luck!

    PS - the gym...I suggest you give it a go.

  3. justbuzzingaround24 July 2014 at 08:08

    Wow. There is Alot of anger and vitriol targeted towards a group of people who you say you think nothing of. Have you ever actually spoken to any of them? Or are you doing exactly as you accuse them? Making unfounded, unreasonable, unrealistic assumptions about others?
    You seem to think that all their attention has been directed at making you feel less about yourself. Maybe you need to take a step back and realise they have never given a shit about you.
    Your snarling nature on here is very obvious. Maybe in real life you also come across as a poisonous vindictive little know it all.

  4. This post
    should have a large image of a hat with a capital ‘D’ that has a red alert warning on it. Know what I mean? Great I have the right audience, lets move on.

    I don’t make
    any apologies for my approach to this response, nor the foul language that I
    will not use.

    I haven’t left
    Maiden-snoot, and actually I rather like the name, if only it lived up to that
    name, a few have ruined it.

    You see,
    there is nothing wrong with being ignorant to those who are worth ignoring, and
    nothing wrong with self-importance once in a while.

    After today, we too don’t have to put up with the flies
    that swarm around causing nothing but an annoying buzz in the ear. Toads eat flies, I’m just saying.

    Nothing wrong
    with high up aspirations. I would rather
    hope to be a toad than a fly. Just

    Now I have no
    idea who this Queen Bee is, I am simply defending my position as a mum and a
    half decent one at that who has a life and a damn good one at that! If im going to bitch I would rather do it
    online for the world to see.

    I couldn’t care
    less about the pics you or anyone else decide to take, if the PTA have rules
    and you didn’t like them, join it and do something about it! No good raving about the teachers and the
    school if you cant make an effort to join.
    But then again, there may be special criteria that you simply do not
    pass, potty mouth being one, and fly being the other.

    I cant quite
    believe what I read sometimes, gangs at school? Queen Bees? Leaders? I’m glad I stick to the snoots, Ive never
    encountered any of that in the playground! Oh and we are referring to the
    adults?! Well…. Clearly you are in the wrong “firm”….

    I don’t see
    any supportive comments, call yourself a blogger?! Funny how you blog your rants to an audience
    that doesn’t involve the women you are probably referring to here. You mention talking behind backs, what are
    you doing here?!

    It is in fact
    clear to those reading this, that what you class as normal has set the bar
    pretty low, which is ok, because now I know I’m not normal, I’m far better than
    normal, and better still, I’m a Maiden-snoot!

    I too, along
    with other Maiden-Snoots are glad to be saying good riddens too, after all
    Toads rule…


Thanks for Commenting!