How was your Christmas? Ours was certainly eventful (come on, you wouldn't expect anything else really) and enjoyable as well as sad at times too.
Christmas started with Mini having an epic vomit fest, poor love, she missed her Christmas dinner and was so ill she even refused sweets- that's a true sign of Mini not putting it on if ever I saw one! We spent the evening at my lovely middle sis in law's house, surrounded by near on all the family and Littlest had a great time catching up with his cousins and making them laugh with his antics. Mini was shattered and curled up on the sofa asleep!
I managed to cook the dinner without burning the house down. I went a bit simpler this year- no mammoth Wellingtons and thankfully the oven decided not to conk out this year either. I did make one tiny cock up. I forgot to cover the turkey in bacon. I managed to save this though by chopping it and some garlic and throwing it over the roast potatoes instead.
We even got the good china out and none of it got broken.
New Year's Eve was great. When we could Mini to put her LeapPad down for 5 minutes, and persuade Littlest not to bring his new Elefun game (soon to be known as "The sodding Elefun game"), we all decamped to my other sister in laws house for a great party.
We brought the kid's night clothes with us, as we thought they'd get to 8.30 and conk out. Not so. They were having far too much fun upstairs watching Doctor Who, climbing to the top of the bunk beds in my nephews room, and stealing Pringles to sleep. Mini gave another epic performance of her dance stylings (I swear the more you laugh the more she gets into it) for the assembled family, and Elder and I were left to have a bit of fun ourselves- its nice having relatives who'll happily let you have a few glasses of wine while they get the older kids to play with the younger ones.
Mini made a sterling effort to be awake at midnight, and was very pleased she managed it. Littlest had fallen asleep with his favourite Uncle, but woke up at midnight for lots of hugs and kisses, then it was off home in a cab.
We also had some sad news over Christmas, with a close friend of us sadly passing away unexpectedly. Its been quite the season for losing people- I was so saddened to hear of the death of Kerry (Multiple Mummy), as we'd all prayed so hard she'd get through it and be back home soon. But life has a funny way of doing that- shocking you when you least expect it. From the many, many messages I have read on Twitter and her blog page, I wasn't alone in being shocked, she will be sadly missed by us all.
It has given me the kick up the backside I needed though, these two unexpected events, as I have known for some time that I needed to do something about my own health. I have been having recurrent health issues which are still being investigated. But there are always things you can do yourself to make your life better. My children, like many of you reading this, are still so young, and the idea of leaving them because I didn't sort myself out in terms of my level of fitness and what I eat, well, its a bit selfish really.
It will also be easier to change my lifestyle now that both the Brats are at school full time.
Yep, Littlest is finally in FS2- he even has Mini's old teacher and her old peg in the cloakroom. I'm sure he'll do fine (he was a tiny bit nervous this morning). He also has Mini for break and lunchtimes- she will be so pleased she has someone to boss around!
So, 2013- what are you looking forward to? What were your highlights of last year? Let me know!
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